Last year’s feedback I got told that I do sufficient research on different materials and ways to express my artistic vision. I tried to implement my research into my work for the last assignment of term 3.1, where we had to make a publication, and choose a publisher/company to propose it to. The publisher of my choice publishes novels and comics with unique styles and stories to tell, from all over the world. I made a graphic novel that explores the theme of not having an identity, or in this case ‘shape’. I took the inspiration from my search of identity and insights I had during the time I stayed home during the corona crisis. In the novel, I (the main character) delve into my mind and find different animals that give my advice in metaphors, I change my shape according to the advice given and slowly attain my final true appearance. In this graphic novel I had the freedom to fully implement and experiment with my own style and vision, I used textures and shapes that I associate with my surroundings and feelings and in this way enhanced my personal story with my personal, unique visuals.